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釣到82公斤月魚 可望破紀錄

8月1日同一艘船上3名釣客幾乎同時在美國聖地牙哥外海釣起罕見的月魚,其中1尾月魚重達181磅(約82公斤),有望打破世界紀錄。除了產卵期外,月魚通常獨來獨往,很少能釣到又稱為月亮魚的月魚,3名釣客同時釣到已極為罕見,而且路德羅釣起的181磅月魚,較世界紀錄還重18磅。3名釣客搭「優勝運動釣魚公司」海釣船出海,一連數天在墨西哥海域海釣,8月1日船停在1群黃尾魚旁時,多數釣客釣接近水面的魚,但5名釣客投下較大魚餌,希望釣到深海魚,他們突然都發現有魚上鉤,而且掙扎的力道和黃尾魚不同。經30分鐘纏鬥後,路德羅先將魚拉上船,幾分鐘後,沙瓦拉和卡斯提羅也釣上月魚,但有2尾逃脫。更多udn報導:神指勾欲火 來真的卻被告?男星裸身激吻 吻「破」玉女天下新鮮事 盡在FUN影音 Description Toggle View View View View View View View 1 - 7 / 7 The unfortunately named blobfish, the world's most miserable-looking fish who is now in danger of being wiped out. The blobfish has already acquired a reputation for looking sad thanks to its ... 較多The unfortunately named blobfish, the world's most miserable-looking fish who is now in danger of being wiped out. The blobfish has already acquired a reputation for looking sad thanks to its miserable mush. The bloated bottom dweller, which can grow up to 12 inches, lives at depths of up to 900m making it rarely seen by humans. But thanks to increasing fishing of the seas Down Under the fish is being dragged up with other catches. Despite being unedible itself, the blobfish unluckily lives at the same depths as other more appetising ocean organisms, including crab and lobster. (Credit Image: ? Kerryn Parkinson/ NORFANZ/Caters News/ZUMA Press) 較少 1 / 7 Yahoo News | 拍攝者 ? Kerryn Parkinson/ NORFANZ/Caters News/ZUMA Press 2013年9月13日週五 台北標準時間上午3時00分 Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Pinterest Close Previous imageNext image

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